Over 90% of the enrollees in ACA Marketplace plans face deductibles of $2,000 to $5,000 and co-insurance requirements of 30% to 40%
Claims involving knee, shoulder or elbow surgery can costs tens of thousands of dollars
40% of Americans cannot cover a $400 emergency expense or would do so by borrowing or selling something
Annual medical costs for sports injury emergency department visits are nearly $1,000,000,000
Providing the protection students need for 50 years.
Founded in 1970, Myers-Stevens & Toohey is a multi-state licensed, insurance MGA/TPA that expertly designs and administers a comprehensive suite of student accident & sickness programs for public and private P-12 schools, community colleges, pools and consortiums. From basic “safety net” plans to multi-million dollar limit catastrophic injury programs and everything in-between. We also offer integrated accident medical/liability coverages for groups using school facilities…e.g. boosters, sports camps & leagues, clubs, etc.

A comprehensive student accident/emergency sickness program should be part of every school’s Student Services. We offer voluntary-purchase options with PPO support and enhanced concussion coverage. Custom designed blanket plans for all school activities or limited activities such as sports, field trips, and international travel. Catastrophic Injury plans to greatly expand protection for your students…and volunteers! Expert in-house claims service. If it involves students and injuries, we can help!!
There are many issues facing schools that a purpose-designed, student accident program can help solve. These can include mitigation of liability associated with otherwise uninsured/underinsured injuries; compliance with state law; lessening employers’ concerns regarding job-shadowing and concierge services for school-sponsored international travel. Whatever your client’s needs are, we can help you provide cost-effective, best practice solutions!

Be protected with Myers-Stevens
Here is how we can protect you
Student Accident & Sickness Plan
Covers your child for injuries and sickness 24/7. $200,000 maximum benefit/injury. Full choice of providers! Monthly payment options.
Dental Accident Plan
Meant to address long-term care needs. Covers dental injuries 24/7 up to $75,000. Sports included. Costs as little as $12 for the entire School Year. Full choice of providers!
Full-Time 24/7 Accident Plans
Protection for injuries at school and away – 24/7 and worldwide. Limits up to $150,000. Full choice of providers!
School-Time Accident Plans
Generally covers all school sponsored and supervised activities except high school tackle football. Travel to/from home and school included! Full choice of providers! Limits up to $75,000.
Tackle Football Plans
Football has a higher-than-average rate of injury. Covers official high school-sponsored practice and play including related travel. Full choice of providers! Limits up to $75,000,
Pharmacy SmartCard
Discounts on prescription drug costs (up to as much as 90%!) for your entire family. The annual cost of just $36.
What Our Lovely Customers Say About Us !

About the company
Founded in 1970, Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. is a fully licensed broker/administrator providing insurance solutions to a wide variety of clients, including JPAs, school districts, private schools, colleges & universities.